
User Guide

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PocketPal is an expense tracking command line application that allows users to record their expenses in different categories. Subsequently, users can monitor their expenses within a specified timeframe, or price range. They may also monitor expenses in certain categories. This makes it easier for users to plan their budgets and make better financial decisions.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 and above installed (Installation Guide)
  2. Download our latest release of PocketPal.jar here
  3. Run the application with java -jar PocketPal.jar (Running JAR Guide)
  4. You should see the following welcome screen
    Welcome to
    _____           _        _   _____      _
    |  __ \         | |      | | |  __ \    | |
    | |__) |__   ___| | _____| |_| |__) |_ _| |
    |  ___/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ __|  ___/ _` | |
    | |  | (_) | (__|   <  __/ |_| |  | (_| | |
    |_|   \___/ \___|_|\_\___|\__|_|   \__,_|_|
    How may I help you?
    Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.
  5. To enter an entry, you may use /add, or enter /help to view the help menu.

The table below provides a summary of all the currently supported features in PocketPal. More detailed explanations on the usage of the commands are provided as well.


This user guide adopts the following conventions for the command-line syntax:


If you face any problems, do visit the FAQ segment!

Command Function
/add Adds an entry
/delete Deletes an entry
/edit Edits an entry
/view Displays details of an entry e.g. Price, Category
/help Displays the help menu
/bye Terminates the program
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Adding an entry: /add

Adds an entry to your current account.

Format: /add -d <description> -c <category> -p <price>


Supported Categories

These are the categories currently supported by PocketPal:

Clothing, Entertainment, Food, Medical, Personal, Transportation, Utilities, Others, Income

Note: An entry with category Income will be added to your total income which can be seen in /view.

Example of usage:

/add -d Lunch at McDonalds -category Food -price 19.9

/add -d Apple Macbook Air -p 1300 -category Personal

/add -p 1300 -c Personal -d Apple Macbook Air

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Deleting an entry: /delete

Deletes specified entry(s) from your current account.

The entry IDs can be obtained from the /view command.

Format: /delete <index> [additional_index...]

Example of usage:

/delete 5

/delete 4 6 10

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Edit an entry: /edit

Edits a specified entry in your current account with the given flag(s).

Format: /edit <index> [options]


The order of the options are interchangeable.

At least one of the options must be specified.

Example of usage:

/edit 5 -p 10.50

/edit 5 -description Grab to school -c Transportation

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View an entry: /view

Displays a list of your current entries.

Format: /view [count] [filter_options]

Filter options

Filter by category

Filter by price


Filter by date range


Order of options are interchangeable.

Example of usage:

/view 10

/view -c food

/view -sd 12/03/2023 -ed 11/04/2023 -c food

/view -c food -sp 2 -sd 12/03/2023 -ed 11/04/2023

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Show help menu: /help

Displays the help menu in the format of the supported commands in the application and their functions.

If a valid command is entered after /help, it displays the format and function of that specific command instead.

Format: /help [command_type]

Example of usage:


/help edit

/help delete

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Exit Program: /bye

Terminates PocketPal.

Format: /bye

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Command Summary

Command Format
/add /add -d <description> -c <category>
-p <price>
e.g. /add -d Gucci Bag -c Others -p 2000
/view /view [count] [-c <category>]
[-sp <startprice>] [-ep <endprice>]
[-sd <start_date> -ed <end_date>]
e.g. /view -c food
e.g./view -sp 100 -ep 200
/edit /edit <index> [-c <category>] [-p <price>]
[-d <description>]
e.g. /edit 1 -d Gucci Wallet -p 3000
/delete /delete <index> [additional_index…]
e.g. /delete 1
e.g. /delete 1 5 10
/help /help [command_type]
e.g. /help
e.g./help add
/bye /bye
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am facing trouble starting the application. Do you know what might be the issue?

A: Please ensure that you have Java 11 and above installed on your machine. You may find more instructions at the Getting Started section

Q: How do I know whether the data entered is saved?

A: Your data is saved automatically when you interact with the application. There is no need to manually perform the save operation.

Q: How do I transfer my application data to another computer?

A: Your application data stored in data/storage.txt. To use PocketPal on another device, simply copy the data folder to the same directory as PocketPal.jar and start the application as per normal. Your stored entries will be automatically loaded.

Q: My application crashed. How do I report the problem to the developers?

A: We are sorry for the unpleasant experience with PocketPal, and we would be more than happy to solve the issue. You may file an issue on our GitHub stating how you arrived at the problem, so that our developers can assist you with the issue. Please also attach the application logs, which can be found at logs/pocketpal.txt

Q: I am a developer. How can I find the source code and contribute to PocketPal?

A: PocketPal is an open-source application, and we welcome developers to share their ideas. You may find the source code on GitHub.

Q: I accidentally touched the data in my storage.txt file - what do I do?

A: The data in the storage.txt file is saved in the format DESCRIPTION,PRICE,CATEGORY,DATE. Make sure the data in the file is in the correct format, or else it will be overwritten with a blank data file. The category must be capitalized, and the date must be in the format D MMM YYYY; HH:MM.

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