
Developer Guide

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PocketPal Architecture

The diagram above illustrates the high-level overview of PocketPal.

Main Components of PocketPal

Frontend Frontend is made up of the following components

Backend Backend is made up of the following components

Communication between Frontend and Backend

How the architecture components interact with one another

The following sequence diagram shows how the main components, Frontend and Backend, interact with one another.

PocketPal Sequence Diagram

Further design details are documented in the Frontend and Backend sections below.


The API of this component is specified in

Frontend Sequence Diagram


The Parser class is a fundamental component instantiated as soon as PocketPal is initialised. Its purpose is to convert the user’s input into structured data which then produces clear instructions for the rest of the program.

Some of its core features include:

Here’s a class diagram that shows only the core structure of the Parser class.


How Parser works:

  1. When a user enters a command, the Frontend uses Parser to resolve the user input.
  2. Parser creates ParseXYZCommand (XYZ is a placeholder for the various command names[^1] e.g.ParseAddCommand(), ParseDeleteCommand(), etc.), which inherits the abstract class ParseCommand, to parse the input for the corresponding command.
  3. Within ParseXYZCommand, other methods are called to extract and check the validity of the required parameters for that particular command. Any exceptions will be thrown and their corresponding error messages will be shown to the user via the UI class.
  4. If the user input is valid, an XYZCommand object containing the relevant data is created and returned. E.g. ParseAddCommand would return a AddCommand object containing the description, price and category.
  5. From there, the XYZCommand is ready to be executed by the Backend. (All XYZCommand classes inherit from Command and have corresponding execute() that carry out their specific instructions.)

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Parser component when a user inputs the following command: /add -d McDonalds -c Food -p 10.50


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Add Command

The add entry mechanism is facilitated by EntryLog. Every instance of AddCommand is created with an Entry instance.

The following sequence diagram shows how the add command work:


Given below is an example usage scenario and how the add mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The EntryLog will be initialized and contains no entry.

Step 2. The user executes /add Lunch at McDonalds -category Food -price 19.9 command to add an Entry to the EntryLog.

*Note.* The command will fail its execution if its format is incorrect, and no Entry will be added to the Entrylog. An error message will be displayed informing the user.

Step 3. The command will be resolved by Parser, which would create an AddCommmand object.

Step 4. The AddCommand constructor creates and returns an Entry object containing the description, price and category to be added.

Step 5. When execute() method is called, a Request object is created.

Step 6. From there, the Request is ready to be handled. addEntry() method is called and the new Entry is added to the EntryLog.

Step 7. A success message is after the new Entry is added to the EntryLog.

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes an add command:


Delete Command

The ‘delete’ entry mechanism is facilitated by EntryLog.

Every instance of DeleteCommand is created with an Integer, which is the ID of the Entry to be deleted.

The following sequence diagram shows how the delete command work:


Given below is an example usage scenario and how the delete mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user decides to remove an Entry from the EntryLog and executes /delete 1 command.

Note: The command will fail its execution if the index provided is invalid, and no Entry will be removed from the EntryLog. An error message will be displayed informing the user.

Step 2. The command will be resolved by Parser, which would create an DeleteCommmand object containing the index of the Entry to be deleted.

Step 3. When execute() method is called, a Request object is created.

Step 4. From there, the Request is ready to be handled. deleteEntry() method is called and the Entry is removed from EntryLog.

Step 5. A success message is displayed after the Entry is removed from EntryLog.

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes a delete command:


Edit Command

Overall class diagram for editing an Entry



Step 1. User runs Edit command, specifying the ID of the entry to edit, as well as the new attributes of the respective fields.

Step 2. Parser extracts the relevant argument and returns a EditCommand object.

Step 3. The execute method of the EditCommand is called and a Request object is created. This request object specifies the modifications of the various fields.

Step 4. The Request object is then parsed as an argument to the Backend Class, which feeds this request as an argument to a method in the EntryEndpoint class.

Step 5. The EntryEndpoint class then finds and modifies the entry as specified by the user.

Step 6. Upon successful completion of the modification, the EntryEndpoint class returns a Response object to the Backend class. The Response object contains the updated fields of the entry.

However, if the edit operation fails, the response object will contain the relevant exception message which would be printed to the user.

Step 7. The Backend class calls the save() method to update the Storage class with the edited entry.It then returns the Response object to the execute function in the EditCommand object.

Step 8. The printExpenditureEdited method under the UI class is then called in the execute function and an acknowledgement message is printed to the user.

Overall sequence diagram for editing an Entry


View Command

Class diagram of view command

ViewCommandClassDiagram.png Class diagram above shows the methods called in the execute method of the View Command object.



More elaboration about the reference frame [Endpoint /entries - Handle GET] can be found here.

Step 1. String of user arguments is fed into the parseViewCommand method in Parser object.

Step 2. The various filters such as price and dateTime are extracted from the argument String and fed into the constructor of viewCommand.

Step 3. A request object is instantiated, with all the query parameters (eg price) as its attributes.

Step 4. The request is fed into the backend method requestEndpointEntries, which then sends this request to the EntriesEndpoint class.

Step 5. A response object is then returned from EntriesEndpoint. This response contains the serialised form of all relevant entries.

Step 6. The entries are then deserialised and fed into the ui printEntriesToBeViewed method, which prints the details of each entry to the user.

Help Command

The ‘help’ mechanism is facilitated by HelpCommand. It extends the abstract Command with an overriden execute() method.

The following sequence diagram shows hows the help command work:


Given below is an example scenario and how the help mechanism behaves at each step.

Step 1. The user decides to view the help guide for add function, and executes /help add.

Note: The command will fail its execution if the command type provided behind help is invalid. An error message will be displayed informing the user.

Step 2. The command will be resolved by Parser, which instantiates a HelpCommand object using the appropriate constructor.

Step 3. When execute() method is called, printHelpAdd() method is called from the UI. This method prints out instructions on how the add command should be used.

Exit/Bye Command


Step 1. The Parser extracts the bye command from the user input and calls the parseHelpCommand method.

Step 2. An ExitCommand is returned and since this command is the only command object with the isExit attribute set as “true”, the while loop of the program will terminate since !isExit is the loop condition.

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The API of this component is specified in

The backend uses a simplified RESTful API approach. This allows us to decouple code using the proven industry practices. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between various classes involved in Backend as described in the application architecture.


On startup, Backend creates various Endpoint instances, which can be illustrated by the following diagram: Backend Startup Sequence Diagram

Making a request

When Backend receives a Request from Frontend, the receiving Endpoint will process it based on the request method and parameters, which can be accessed using Request::getParam(). The request will be processed based on its method. There are currently 4 methods supported: GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE.

Backend Sequence Diagram

To find out more, visit the following sections:

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The Storage class is responsible for the serialization of Entry data into a csv-like syntax, as well as the deserialization of that data back into Entry objects.

The main callable functions to be used are:

Reading from Database

The readFromDatabase() method is called from a Backend instance upon its instantiation, and reads from the database which comes in the form of a text file.


  1. When a Backend instance is created, the constructor will call the readFromDatabase() method which first calls makeFileIfNotExists() to create a new database file if it does not exist.
  2. The readEntryLine() method reads the data from the database file line by line, until there are no more lines to read. It then returns a list of Entry objects which is passed back to the Backend instance to be processed.
  3. Two possible exceptions to be thrown are the IOException and the InvalidReadFile exceptions.

Writing to Database

The writeFromDatabase() method is called from a Backend instance through the save() method.


  1. The save() method calls the writeFromDatabase() method which first calls makeFileIfNotExists() to create a new database file if it does not exist.
  2. The writeEntryLine() method writes the data into the database file line by line, until there are no more lines to write. If successful, nothing is returned.
  3. An IOException might be thrown in this method.

Resetting Database

The reset() method is called from a Backend instance through the clearData() method.


  1. The clearData() method calls the reset() method which first deletes the database file, then calls the makeFileIfNotExists() method to create a new database file. If successful, nothing is returned.
  2. An IOException might be thrown in this method.
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The sequence diagram for specific request handling at each endpoint can be viewed at their respective sections.

Each endpoint is a child class Endpoint. Currently, there are 2 endpoints available:

Endpoint Method to call
/entry requestEntryEndpoint()
/entries requestEntriesEndpoint()
Creating a request
Request req=new Request(RequestMethod.PATCH);
        req.addParam(RequestParams.EDIT_DESCRIPTION,"mango juice");
Making a request

All request body and parameter data should be serialised with String.valueOf() if not specified.

Backend backend=new Backend();
        Response res=backend.callEntryEndpoint(req);

        // handle status        

        Entry entry=EntryParser.deserialise(res.getData());
// process entry
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Access all entries available

Get recent or all entries

GET /entries

Sequence diagram

Entries Endpoint [GET] Sequence Diagram


Number of recent entries to view if present, otherwise all entries will be returned.


GET_SIZE boolean







Status Code Description Remarks
200 OK Gson-serialised List<Entry>, deserialise with EntryLogParser::deserialise
422 Unprocessable Content Response message will provide more information on the error (Invalid category, date, ID, etc.)
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Add, modify, view or delete an entry

Add an entry

POST /entry

Sequence diagram

Entry Endpoint [POST] Sequence Diagram





Status Code Description Remarks
201 Created -
422 Unprocessable Content Response message will provide more information on the error (Invalid description, amount, etc.)
View a specific entry

GET /entry

Sequence diagram

Entry Endpoint [GET] Sequence Diagram





Status Code Description Remarks
200 OK Gson-serialised Entry, deserialise with EntryParser::deserialise
404 Not Found -
Delete an entry

DELETE /entry

Sequence diagram

Entry Endpoint [DELETE] Sequence Diagram





Status Code Description Remarks
200 OK Gson-serialised Entry, deserialise with EntryParser::deserialise
404 Not Found -
Modify an entry

PATCH /entry

Sequence diagram

Entry Endpoint [PATCH] Sequence Diagram







Status Code Description Remarks
200 OK Gson-serialised Entry, deserialise with EntryParser::deserialise
404 Not Found -
422 Unprocessable Content -
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Data Structure

We use the EntryLog data structure to keep track of the entries entered by the user.

Data Structure Class Diagram

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This project uses a simplified HTTP model, where the frontend sends a Request to the backend to perform data-related operations. The backend returns a Response, which is then processed by the frontend

Simplified HTTP Model

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Running Tests

We recommend using Gradle to run tests and coding style checks using ./gradlew clean check

Types of Tests

  1. Unit testing which targets lower level units, such as*, pocketpal.communication.*.
  2. Integration testing is performed in classes which use multiple units, such as pocketpal.backend.*Endpoint, pocketpal.frontend.*Command, with the assumption that the base units are working.

Unit Test Strategy

We adopt the Arrange, Act, Assert pattern for unit tests in this project. This allows us to achieve a structured unit tests while balancing code readability and maintainability, and allowing a clear separation of the setup, operations and results. For backend testing, we use utility classes such as EntryTestUtil and BackendTestUtil to reduce code repetition and to simplify the testing process.


@DisplayName("Test /entries [GET]")
class TestEntriesGet extends EntryTestUtil {
    private static final EntryLog expectedEntryLog = new EntryLog();

    void init() {

    void entriesEndpointGET_recentEntries_correctEntries() {
        // Arrange

        // Act
        Request request = new Request(RequestMethod.GET); // recent 2 entries
        request.addParam(RequestParams.NUM_ENTRIES, "2");
        Response response = TEST_BACKEND.requestEndpointEntries(request);
        EntryLog returnedEntryLog = EntryLogParser.deserialise(response.getData());

        // Assert
        assertEquals(response.getResponseStatus(), ResponseStatus.OK);
        assertTrue(isSameEntryLog(expectedEntryLog, returnedEntryLog));
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Appendix A: Product scope

Target user profile

PocketPal’s main target users are individuals who are

Value proposition

For individuals striving to save money for a vacation, a new car, or any other significant purchase, understanding their cash flow is crucial, yet often challenging and time-consuming.

PocketPal revolutionizes the process by offering a seamless, user-friendly experience for tracking both income and expenses. PocketPal empowers users with valuable insights into their spending patterns, enabling them to make well-informed financial decisions and effectively reach their financial milestones.

By delivering a comprehensive and automated overview of users’ income and expenses, PocketPal puts financial control at their fingertips, making the journey towards financial success more attainable and enjoyable.

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Appendix B: User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user easily input my expenses add expenses quickly
v1.0 user view my total expenditure at a glance plan my finances well
v1.0 user edit expenditures correct my mistakes and track my expenditures properly
v1.0 user delete expenditures remove wrongly tracked expenditures
v1.0 business owner have different categories have better flexibility in planning my budget for different categories
v1.0 user be able to add my income as well track my net cash flow
v1.0 less tech savvy user have a help function get assistance whenever I’m not sure of how to do something in the app
v1.0 user with many expenses to track limit the number of expenses displayed see only a limited number of expenses at a time
v2.0 user with many expenses to track filter an expense item by description locate an expense without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user with many expenses to track filter an expense item by category locate an expense without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user with many expenses to track filter an expense item by start and end date locate an expense without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user with many expenses to track filter an expense item by minimum and maximum price locate an expense without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user with many expenses to track delete multiple expenses at once save time by not needing to delete expenses one by one
v2.0 careless user get accurate feedback and errors when I enter wrong commands intuitively know how to correct my command
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Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

1.The application should be compatible with various operating systems as long as Java 11 or above is installed.

2.The CLI should have an intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate and understand.

3.The application should be stable and not crash under heavy usage.

4.The application should have clear, detailed documentation and code structure so that it is easy to maintain.

5.The User Guide should be well-documented with multiple examples of usage so that it easy to understand.

6.The application should be available at all times, with little dependencies on the internet or other APIs.

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Appendix D: Glossary

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Appendix E: Instructions for manual testing

Refer to the user guide on launching PocketPal.

Feature Testing

The following section provides instructions and code snippets for the manual testing of all currently supported features in PocketPal.

Do note that the expected output depicted in the test cases below may vary depending on the entries you have added.

Add entry: /add

Usage: /add -d <description> -c <category> -p <price>

Test Case 1 (All required flags are provided):

Expected output:
The following entry has been added:
Description: McDonalds
Price: $10.50
Category: Food
28 Mar 2023, 01:04:42
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test Case 2 (Missing price flag):

Expected output:
Missing required options: 
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

View entry: /view

Usage: /view [count] [filter_options]

Test case 1 (No entries exist):

Expected output:
There are no entries available.
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test case 2 (Multiple entries exist):

Expected output:
These are the latest 3 entries.
Total expenditure: $360.50
Total income: $0.00
<1>: McDonalds (Food) - $10.50 <<7 Apr 2023; 15:53>>
<2>: Air Jordan 1 (Clothing) - $200.00 <<7 Apr 2023; 15:53>>
<3>: Birthday Dinner (Food) - $150.00 <<7 Apr 2023; 15:53>>
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test case 3 (View entries in price range)

Expected output:
These are the latest 2 entries.
Total expenditure: $350.00
Total income: $0.00
<1>: Air Jordan 1 (Clothing) - $200.00 <<7 Apr 2023; 15:53>>
<2>: Birthday Dinner (Food) - $150.00 <<7 Apr 2023; 15:53>>
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Delete entry: /delete

Usage: /delete <index> [additional_index...]

You may view the list of existing entries along with their corresponding indexes with /view.

Test case 1:

Expected output:
The following entry has been deleted:
Description: Birthday Dinner
Price: $150.00
Category: Food
28 Mar 2023, 01:03:39
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test case 2

Expected output:
Item ID does not exist: 20
Please specify a valid integer from 1 to 2147483647!
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test case 3

Expected output:
The following entry has been deleted:
Description: Light bulb
Price: $10.20
Category: Utilities
28 Mar 2023, 01:04:42
The following entry has been deleted:
Description: Pizza
Price: $8.30
Category: Food
28 Mar 2023, 01:04:30
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Edit entry: /edit

Usage: /edit <index> [options]

Test case 1 (Editing all flags)

Expected output:
The following entry has been updated:
Description: MacBook Air
Price: $300.50
Category: Others
7 Apr 2023; 16:22
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Test case 2 (Editing price only)

Expected output:
The following entry has been updated:
Description: MacBook Air
Price: $300.50
Category: Others
7 Apr 2023; 16:22
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Show help menu: /help

Usage: /help

Test case

Expected output:
PocketPal is an expense tracking app, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface. 
Users can take advantage of the input flags for entering entries quickly.
Listed below are the various commands that are currently supported.

Add - Adds an entry to your current account.
Usage: /add -d <description> -c <category> -p <price>
-d <description>
-c <category>
-p <price>
See below for examples
/add -d Apple Macbook Air -p 1300 -c Personal
/add -p 1300 -c Personal -d Apple Macbook Air

Delete - Deletes specified entry(s) from your account.
Usage: /delete <index> [additional_index...]
See below for examples
/delete 10 11 13 
/delete 1

Edit - Edits a specified entry in your account.
Usage: /edit <index> [options]
-d <description>
-c <category>
-p <price>
See below for examples
/edit 5 -d Grab to school -c Transportation -p 20.00

View - Displays a list of your current entries.
Usage: /view [count] [filter_options]
Filter options:
-c <category>
-sp <startprice>
-ep <endprice>
-sd <startdate>, -ed <enddate>
See below for examples
/view 100 -c Transportation -sp 2.00 -ep 5.00
/view -sd 21/11/1997 -ed 22/11/1997 -c Transportation -sp 2.00
/view 10 -sd 21/11/1997 -ed 22/12/1997 -c Transportation -sp 2.00 -ep 6.00

Help - Displays the help menu.
Usage: /help

Exit - Terminates PocketPal.
Usage: /bye
Enter a command or /help to see the list of commands available.

Terminate program: /bye

Usage: /bye

Test case

Expected output:
Bye. See you again :)

More test cases will be added as more features are introduced.

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Appendix F: Testing with sample data (from file)

PocketPal stores data in a storage.txt file under the “data/” directory. Each row in the “storage.txt” file represents a single Entry. Each column in each row should have 3 columns, representing the description of the Entry, amount associated with the Entry and category of the Entry in that order, and are separated with the “,” delimiter. All of them are in the String format.

An example storage.txt file that will be readable by PocketPal is as such:

Apple Juice,5.50,Food
Bus Card,50,Transportation

which will give us 3 Entries.

As of the time of writing, the available categories are:

An empty input for category is not allowed. If necessary, use the “Others” category.


Exceptions are thrown for a couple of cases where files are being read. If you wish to test the exceptions, they can be replicated as follows:

  1. Delimiter is invalid: If the delimiter is not the comma (“,”), it is not recognised as a delimiter and will not be processed correctly.
    Example row: Apple Juice 5.50 Food - In this case, the pipe (“ ”) is used as a delimiter, which is not allowed.
  2. Amount is invalid: If the amount is not a numeric, it is not recognised as a valid amount and will not be processed correctly.

    Example row: Apple Juice,5A6B,Food - In this case, the amount is “5A6B”, which is not a numeric and therefore not allowed.

  3. Category is invalid: If the category is not a string from the list of allowed categories (see above), it is not recognised as a valid category and will not be processed correctly.

    Example row: Apple Juice,5.50,Drink - In this case, the category is “Drink”, which is not a valid category and therefore not allowed.

  4. Not enough columns: If a row has insufficient columns compared to what is needed, the Entry cannot be created.

    Example row: Apple Juice,5.50 - In this case, there are only two categories which is not allowed.

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Unit Tests

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